
----General Info-----------------------------------------------------

Filenames	: a_reflex.bsp ; a_reflex.txt
Author		: Tom "Exodus" Black
E-Mail		: thomas.black1@virgin.net
Description	: Towering in the black of night, this is an old,
		  abandoned arena.  Built in the dark times for the 
		  hunting of both man and beast...  Now the games 
		  begin again, and even those new to the arena will 
		  find their trigger reflex, "Automatic"...

----Play Info--------------------------------------------------------

Single		: No
Multi		: Yes
Players		: 6-16

x  This map is intended to be played with falling damage set to 
   "Realistic", that's why the lifts have two buttons and there are 
   massive doors in the train tunnel. On that note, a torch could 
   come in handy too.
x  Try jumping inside things, maybe to hide - maybe to get at hidden 
x  There is no Hornet in this arena. Or, you'll be mildy interested 
   to know, in ANY of my maps, so there. 
   E-mail if you want a longer rant...


Base		: Scratch
Editor		: WorldCraft 3.3; Zoner's Tools.

Compile Machine	: P4 2.0GHz, 256Mb SDRAM

x  I sincerely apologise for the crates - contact me if you've got a 
   better idea...
x  This map was inspired by Quake II's Lost Station, although I have 
   meandered a bit in between there and here...


Stick the two files in the ..\half-life\valve\maps\ directory

----Coming Soon!-----------------------------------------------------

If I can get my head round the entities, op4ctf_a_reflex should be an
interesting theme on the ctf concept - your team must hold the train 
as it makes it way around the map, holding off ambushes from the 
opposing force.

----And Finally...---------------------------------------------------

If you like my work then contact me and say so - praise gets you more
maps in less time.  If you want to take this material and use it for
your own machinations then tell me and credit me - or else I'll come
and stick a batch of snarks where the sun don't shine...

----End of Transmission----------------------------------------------