Title 			: Facility
Date                    : 2/2/99
Filename		: facility.bsp
Author			: Captain Gram
Other lvls by author	: Stack
Email address 		: gramster@mediaone.net
Home page		: http://bz2.com
Description		: Conversion of "Facility" from Goldeneye 64
Additional Credits to   : Ninja Monkey (the r_speed god!)
Single Player           : Yes (to explore the map)
Cooperative Player      : No
Deathmatch Player       : Yes
Number of Players       : I suggest 4-15
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Textures            : No
CD Track                : N/A


This is the easy part... Just unnzip the files into your Half-Life/Valve/maps
directory. If you didn't get this in a .zip, just make sure that FACILITY.bsp
ends up in the Half-Life/Valve/maps directory for the map to work.


My second Half-Life level that I have released so far, this is a conversion of
the mighty Facility level from Goldeneye 64. Some rooms are larger then the N64
version, this is due to the fact that the max number of players is no longer 4!
And the weapon layout has been changed a bit as well. Oh and you won't find any
of the sci-fi weapons in HL included. I decided to limit it to Half-Lifes more
realistic weapons. Otherwise I think you'll find pretty much everything intact
from the N64 version as I painstakingly converted it inch by inch. For those of
you who enjoyed my previous conversion of Stack, I hope you find this map to be
of the same, if not higher quality. In the future I would like to make some
single player Goldeneye levels, and you can expect a single player Facility in
the future!
Final note... I LIVE for feedback!! Please e-mail me with your opinions good OR

Base			: Conversion of Facility, from the game Goldeneye 64,
                          but I built it from scratch!
Build Time              : 1 week
Playtesting Time        : 4 hours
Compile machine         : 333MHZ celeron, 128mb ram
QCSG Time		: 53     seconds elapsed
QBSP Time               : 81     seconds elapsed
QRAD Time	        : 3084   seconds elapsed
VIS  Time               : 3685.0 seconds elapsed
TOTAL			: 1 Hours and 55 Minutes (ish)
Editor(s) used          : Worldcraft
Known Bugs              : none!

		::: COPYRIGHTS :::

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. 

You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH

If you want to put this map on a magazine CD, please do, but let me know so I
can go buy a copy!