a rats-scale living room and kitchen areas done in cel cartoon style textures ======================================================= Simpsons_Rats by DocRock ======================================================= Map Name: Simpsons_Rats.bsp Filesize: 913 kb .zip Author: DocRock Author email: docrock10@cox.net Homepage: www.homestead.com/docrocksmaps wadincluded in map: simpsons.wad ======================================================= LEVEL DESCRIPTION: Single Player: No Co-Op: No Deathmatch: Yes Suggested Players: 4 - 10 New Textures: Yes New Sounds: Yes Map description: This is the Simpsons' kitchen and living room. Rats style. ====================================================== CONSTRUCTION: base map: none prefabs: None editor used: Worldcraft 3.3 utilities used: Zoner's Half-Life compile tools, paint, wally known bugs: None compile machine: Alienware Custom 5600 Core Processor compile time: 2 minutes ======================================================= OTHER LEVELS BY DOCROCK: view my website for all of my maps and other information ======================================================= SPECIAL THANKS: To my babykitkat, my lover, my sweetheart, my wife. I love you!!! To whoever created the simpsons.wad ======================================================= COPYRIGHT STUFF Simpsons_Rats.bsp copyright 2009 by DocRock All rights reserved. Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM. This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission.