Since I simply could not be arsed to make a readme for each of my maps, I have created this one, which covers pretty much all the maps I've made. Faculty, Central, Casa, Panzibar, Corporate and Avana are all mine from scratch, Henny is a tweaked version of the original map made by Morfeo. blah, blah, the usual gibberish and mutterings of thanks to the folk that tested and offered useful suggestions, I'd list you all, but would only end up forgetting someone who would then bug me 'till the end of time because of it. Sorry if you see your textures here and I've failed to credit you, if you see some of your work in one of my maps without due credit then e-mail me and I shall do what I can to rectify the error. Textures for my various maps(in no particular order) by : Mighty Pete, CD Warrior, TS Team, Per 'Ellusion' Nyhaug, Graphtallica, Makaveli, unDuLe, Blazeer, X-Tender, -s2k- madness, Mikezilla, CS, Nashwan and last and quite possibly least, Myself. Skyboxes : Avana = True Blue by The Mighty Pete Corporate & Dietrich = LMCity1 by John Staats Casa = Moonlight Passage - by Dash Panzibar = g_night by JoNaS Models : Mostly mine, though 3D_MIke let me retexture his table, CayleGeorge let me use his bottles and Morf whipped up some models for me. So come to think of it, not actually mostly mine, but hey, there ya go.