===[start]========================================================================================= *FILE INFORMATION* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Heresy FILENAME : ts_heresy.bsp AUTHOR : Nelson "manah" Ferryman DATE : 16/10/2002 GAME : Half-Life TYPE/MOD : The Specialists EMAIL ADDRESS : manah@planethalflife.com HOMEPAGE URL : http://www.planethalflife.com/manah/ CONTENTS : ts_heresy.bsp ts_heresy.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - need description - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: Unzip to your Half-Life folder ... FILE HIERARCHY: ts_heresy.bsp => \ts\maps ts_heresy.txt => \ts\maps flfsky9bk => \ts\gfx\env flfsky9dn flfsky9ft flfsky9lf flfsky9rt flfsky9up ADDITIONAL INFO: Also availabe in Real DeathMatch mod (http://www.planethalflife.com/realdm). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CONSTRUCTION DETAILS* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : New Map BUILD TIME : 4-5 weeks COMPILE TIME : 35 minutes PREFABS USED : Svante "xerent" Ekholm's trees prefab set EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft 3.3 OTHER UTILITIES USED : Zoners HL Tools Wally 153b Photoshop 6 KNOWN BUGS : None ... report any please. COMPILE MACHINE : 1.2 Ghz Athlon, 256mb ram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CREDITS / THANKS* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valve Software : This is a no brainer. Blazeer : For his 'BlazUrban' texture set. The WadFather : For being such a great resource. WarFox : For hooking me up with the TS crew. Testers : For testing, I love all you guys *weeps*. Although some of you lazy arse mofos didn't even bother sending me any feedback. Damn you. =================================================================================================== *COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You CAN NOT use ANY of the files in this package as a base for your own. You MUST NOT distribute ts_heresy.zip or any of the accompanying files UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM. This file may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission. ===========================================================================================[END]===